Shockwave is a participatory documentary starring Celina
"Mausolena" Carra in which she speaks to hosts, fans and producers from
horror hosting shows, in an attempt to create the perfect horror hosting
character. More information about the documentary will be coming soon! In
the meantime, follow the project's
Instagram for
updates and read the production blog
to see all the research for the project so far!
Horror hosting is a type of television program where a horror host,
often acting as a horror-related character, introduces and commentates
on a horror film.
Want to learn more?
Read Horror Hosting 101, a scholarly analysis of horror hosting, on our
project blog.
Shockwave is accepting video submissions from horror hosting fans, hosts
and producers with stories about their memories and experiences with horror
hosting! Video submissions may be included in the final
documentary. Click on the submit page
to learn more.