Email an audio or video file to for a chance to be featured in the final film!
If you are also interested in being interviewed for the film, please send an email with "Interview Submission" in the title.
I am accepting submissions including, but not limited to, these topics:
- Memories about your favorite horror host, including interactions, media consumption, and genre introduction.
- How horror hosting has impacted you, especially regarding community and the horror genre.
- Details about a horror host's show format and what appealed to you.
- Behind-the-scenes production or participation in horror hosting shows.
- Stories about the horror hosting fandom and community.
- What makes a good horror host, to you?
- What advice would you give to an upcoming horror host?
I look forward to seeing your submissions!
A longer list of questions to inspire your submission:
- How were you introduced to horror hosting?
- What drew you to the genre or made you interested in it?
- What are your first memories of the horror hosting genre? How old were you?
- If you had a local horror host, who were they? Were they your favorite?
- Did their local-ness contribute to your favoritism?
- How did your local horror host reference your local area? How did this impact you as a viewer?
- What do you remember about the content of the horror hosting shows you watched?
- Do the movies stick out more, or the characters/skits?
- How much did the movies matter to you as a viewer?
- What running jokes, visuals, or characters stand out in your mind?
- What do you remember about the character of your favorite horror host?
- In what ways did you interact with your horror host and their content outside of the show?
- How did your horror host interact with you or your community?
- What was your impression of the "realness" of your horror host? Did they ever appear out of costume?
- In what ways did you connect with others about horror hosting?
- How did horror hosting impact your reaction to the films they hosted and the horror genre in general?